Press & Awards

Press & Awards


Josefine wins Best Short Film

Josefine wins the presitigous Emi Mammoliti Award for Best Short Film at this year’s

Messina Opera Film Festival

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"For being able to tell the story of the power of art and beauty in connecting souls and triumphing over danger and isolation, with a magical and poetic use of cinematographic technique, that of animation, excellently handled by the director. An original work, skilfully written and sung in a perfect marriage of cinematography and opera."

 Press from The Times, Telegraph, ArtsDesk and Bachtrack and Awards praise creativity, innovation and quality camera coverage.

“Not merely online musical performances but a set of newly made, highly creative films. Not less than a “live” performance, but quite a lot more."

5* Arts Desk

"How to stream in style... this most satisfying streamed concert swept us off into a socially distanced programme, devised with some serious thought."

4* The Times

"Cinematic is what it is. credit again due to Maestro Broadcasting for creating something special: not a concert in an empty hall as seen by a few flies on the side seats but a multi-dimensional presentation of camerawork and mixing...its fascinating to watch."

5* ArtsDesk

 "The final episode of the Hallé's digital winter season is a triumphant vindication of the policy of turning music performance into world class film production that has animated it from the start."

Manchester Classical Music

"Whatever the genre, this interpretation

 was intelligently conceived and

brilliantly executed."

Soldier's Tale - 5* Bachtrack 

"There are zooms and close-ups, clever cutting and mixing… and for once we see the conductor as musicians do, long known to TV producers as a bonus of having cameras on stage for orchestral concerts. The experience is terrific.”


“The lighting was nicely judged in its subtly coloured tint, as was the camerawork which offered a variety of views without being hyperactive.”

The Daily Telegraph

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